Gray Wolf Luncheon – TuTu Tuesday March 26th 2024

The next Gray Wolf Luncheon is scheduled  Tuesday March 26th at Wolf Creek Ski Area Main Lodge beginning at 11:00am til 1:00pm. Theme is TuTu Tuesday so get your TUTU!  The club will pay up to $8.00 per each current Gray Wolf member’s lunch meal.

Once again we will have participating members get a token before they get in line at the Lodge. That way we can check to be sure they are a current member. The cashier will take the token and make it easier on the cashier and let us reimburse the ski area sooner.

A group photo will be taken at 12:15pm outside the Main Lodge

Lunch Special is Enchiladas with rice & beans,  and dessert.

RSVP by March 22nd Friday 5pm with your choice of the lunch special or other