Gray Wolf Membership

Membership Fees for Gray Wolf Ski Club 2024-2025 season must be received before August 15th in order to receive the Wolf Creek Ski Season Pass discount (those 65 and older or members 50-64 who are grandfathered August 15 2023).

All current members receive the following benefits –  supplement of 3 Gray Wolf Luncheons($8 each) in the Main Lodge scheduled in Jan/Feb/Mar. We welcome all those who join after August 15th however members will not be eligible for the Season Pass discount. With the change in Wolf Creek Ski Area policy regarding Gray Wolf season pass discounts, individuals 50-64 years old, joining or renewing after August 15th 2023 will not be grandfathered for future year discounts. Discounts for those 65+ continue to apply to those who have renewed by the August 15th deadline.

You may join with our Online registration with PayPal or Credit Card or download the membership form and mail with your check(Note: Check must be mailed by August 10th to allow USPS delivery to our PO Box.).

Click here for membership form